Job Title: Helendale for Bjornstad
Dataset: ECSZ
projection: utm/z11/wgs84
units: meters
Grid Coordinate System Name: Universal Transverse Mercator
UTM Zone Number: 11 N
Transverse Mercator Projection
Scale Factor at Central Meridian: 0.999600
Longitude of Central Meridian: -117.000000
Latitude of Projection Origin: 0.000000
False Easting: 500000.000000
False Northing: 0.000000

Planar Coordinate Information:
Planar Distance Units: meters

Geodetic Model
Horizontal Datum Name: D_WGS_1984
Ellipsoid Name: WGS_1984

Envelope Information:
Min X: 482263.2
Max X: 487142.6
Min Y: 3833309.4
Max Y: 3836641.2

Processing of 17325601 points in LiDAR point cloud.

Selected Processings:
Bin Algorithm:
    idw Arc Grid
    den Arc Grid
    resolution: 1.0
    radius: 1.0