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LViz: 3D LiDAR Visualization Tool
Points2Grid: LiDAR DEM Generation Tool
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Geoinformatics @ ASU
Active Tectonics Research Group

Online LiDAR / ALSM data resources:
October 16, 1999 Hector Mine, CA earthquake (Mw 7.1) high resolution topography data set:
A portion of the Hector Mine Earthquake LiDAR data set is available for download below. An overview of the data set can be found on Ken Hudnut's (USGS) page at http://rincon.gps.caltech.edu/.
Detailed information about these data and their application is available in the Seismological Society of America (BSSA) Special Publication: The Hector Mine, California Earthquake of 16 October 1999:
Ken offers downloads of the complete data set via this directory. The directory contains 13 CDs worth of data, including all return files, derived contours, GPS navigation files and laser intensity files.
Hector Mine ALSM / LiDAR data downloads:
ascii return files:
We have made a subset of the ascii formated return files from the Hector Mine data set available for download. The files are grouped by flight line and zipped for quicker download:
Hector Mine Maneuvers:
Flight 01 (includes files 1041.txt, 1081a.txt, 1081b.txt) (~60 MB - .zip file)
Flight 03 (includes files 5121_03.txt, 5131a_03.txt, 5131b_03.txt) (~55 MB - .zip file)
Lake Tests Maneuvers (includes files lake_01.txt and lake_03.txt) (~16 MB - .zip file)
Bulion Line (includes files Bulion1.txt - Bulion5.txt) (~106 MB - .zip file)
We have converted the Hector Mine Maneuvers and Bulion ALSM return data to shapefile format for import to ArcGIS:
Hector Mine Maneuvers:
Flight 1 (168 MB - .zip file)
Flight 3 (153 MB - .zip file)
Bulion Fault line of the Hector Mine laser survey
Bulion shapefiles (304 MB - .zip file)
We have also performed a TIN interpolation of segment 5 of the Bulion line as an example of what these data look like once interpolated. This file is available in ESRI TIN format (for import to ArcGIS):
TIN (Triangulated Irregular Network) of Segment 5 of the Bulion data set
Bulion5 TIN (83.5 MB - .zip file)
Map showing location of the Mine Test and Bulion ALSM flight lines relative to the Hector Mine Earthquake rupture trace: