Current Research
OpenTopography Portal
LViz: 3D LiDAR Visualization Tool
Points2Grid: LiDAR DEM Generation Tool
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Geoinformatics @ ASU
Active Tectonics Research Group

Welcome to the ASU Active Tectonics Group's pages devoted to LiDAR / ALSM related research. Within the group we are interested in the technical aspects of working with these data as well as applying them to geoscience research.
We are especially interested the internet-based distribution and processing of LiDAR data. Also ongoing are projects devoted to the application of LiDAR data to active tectonics and earthquake geology research. Please use the links at left to learn more about our activities.
December 3, 2008:
GEON launches the OpenTopography Portal. The OpenTopography Portal replaces the GEON LiDAR workflow system, offering the same core capabilites as the GLW, but via a dedicated website with additional features. See this news item for more information.
October 4, 2008:
We will be helping to teach a Short Course for UNAVCO entitled "Using GPS Data to Study Crustal Deformation, Earthquakes, and Volcanism: A Workshop for College Faculty--LiDAR component" Geological Society of America Annual Meeting.
April 8, 2008:
We will be teaching a Short Course for UNAVCO entitled "Processing
and Analysis of GeoEarthscope and Other Community LiDAR Topography
Datasets" April 30th - May 1st at ASU. Click the link for more information.
February 27, 2008:
Earthquakes recorded in the landscape: Using digital topography to investigate earthquake faulting. Materials from a San Diego Supercomputer Center TeacherTech Series workshop.
November 29, 2007:
The first batch of the Northern California GeoEarthScope LiDAR
data is now available via the GEON LiDAR Workflow. More data will be available in the coming months - stay tuned!
August 6, 2007:
NSF recently anounced the funding of the INTERFACE Facility
to aid geoscientists in the acquisiton of 3D suface data.
ASU is a partner in the facility and will be leveraging the
GEON LiDAR Workflow for this project. More
information here... |