Current Research
OpenTopography Portal
LViz: 3D LiDAR Visualization Tool
Points2Grid: LiDAR DEM Generation Tool
Knowledge Base
Geoinformatics @ ASU
Active Tectonics Research Group

LiDAR / ALSM Knowledge Base
This page contains information prepared or compiled by our research group on
technical aspects of LiDAR data and applications of these data. Please
see our links page for links to LiDAR oriented
documents, software, research projects and organizations.
Points2Grid Instructions / Help document (pdf)
Resarch Summary: "An Efficient Implementation of a Local Binning Algorithm for Digital Elevation
Model Generation of LiDAR/ALSM Datasets"
Exploration of search radius for GEON LiDAR Workflow
Consideration of point count and optimal resolution and search radius for B4 ALSM data in the Carrizo Plain
Comparison of data acquired by the Optech 1233 and 5100 ASLM scanners for a portion of the Southern San Andreas fault
Analysis of LiDAR shot densities for NCALM Eastern California Shear Zone (ECSZ) survey and B4
Notes on LiDAR DEM Generation via Local Interpolation Methods (pdf)
Early notes on different interpolation methods (pdf)
Notes on Luke Wash Lidar Survey (pdf)
KMZ file of 10 foot LiDAR-derived DEM
Instructions for Running Interp (Linux version of P2G) on Raw Data Files (doc)
Analysis of overlapping LiDAR swaths see also blog entry.
Simple AWK command to clean a point cloud text file:
awk -F"," '{OFS=","}{if ($1 != strnum && $2 != strnum && $3 != strnum) print $1" " $2" " $3 }' 12525122622711892399111.txt > 9111clean.txt
(also checks to make sure the elements are actual numbers)
Exploring the new Open Topography Points 2 Grid with null filling
Comparing LiDAR shot counts: GeoEarthScope, ECSZ, and B4 surveys
2009: Using EarthScope and B4 LiDAR data to analyze Southern California's active faults - Sponsored by SCEC, OpenTopography, UNAVCO, and SDSC
2007 Geological Society of America Short Course:
Processing and Analysis of GeoEarthscope and Other Community LiDAR Topography Datasets
2006 UNAVCO Science Workshop LiDAR Special Interest Group:
LiDAR Data: Management, Processing, and Access - presentations on LiDAR / ALSM instruments, technology, software and data access.
San Diego Supercomputer Center TeacherTech Series workshop
Earthquakes recorded in the landscape: Using digital topography to investigate earthquake faulting - course presented to middle and high school teachers
TLS Point Cloud Georeferencing Utilities
xyzRotatorDH (m-file)
xyzRotatorDH (Linux (Korn) shell script)
Analysis of TLS for paleoseismic research
Videos of 3D point clouds (.avi):
Analysis of TLS scanning of the Landers earthquake scarp
Simple report
Analysis of the Alvord Basin terrestrial LiDAR data
Documentation for the analysis of the Alvord Basin TLS dataset (.pdf)